Trusted by thousands of companies worldwide
Listpilot Searches Leads
Effortlessly find targeted local businesses by category & location at any amount.
& Analyzes them
Let us look over all the leads to find the ones with bad websites, that can be customers.
Build Leadlists Fast
Listpilot finds local businesses, analyzes them to find the the ones with bad websites and searches the owner with verifed emails in just a few minutes.
Find Local Businesses
Listpilot searches Google Maps and the Web to find you targeted local businesses for your leadlist.
Seach the Owner
For every busness in your leadlist, we are searching the current decisionmaker to contact and sell.
How Listpilot Works
Designed to build your next Leadlist 100x faster and easier.
Find Local Businesses
Select your target customer, location and amount of leads to build your local leadslist in seconds.
Analyze your Leads
After you got your leadlist you can analyze the leads website design, search the owner and verify emails.
Filter your List
To make sure that you only have businesses that are your target customers, filter your leads by bad websites, primary or verified emails and more.
Track Leads
Lastly before you start reaching out to those leads, setup lead tracking to see which lead showed interest by going to your website for targeted follow ups.
Choose A Plan
So Listpilot can help you save hundreds of hours searching.
Trusted by 10+ Agencys
We are a small startup that wants to help web design agencys find leads faster.
Common Questions
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